What are some noteworthy relics I might wanna try crafting/leveling? These are some that I've already crafted/leveled

What are some noteworthy relics I might wanna try crafting/leveling? These are some that I've already crafted/leveled

Super Bowl LIX is here! Pick more or less to win CASH. New Players – Get $59 in Pick6 Credits INSTANTLY when you play $5 - win or lose! 🏈

Super Bowl LIX is here! Pick more or less to win CASH. New Players – Get $59 in Pick6 Credits INSTANTLY when you play $5 - win or lose! 🏈

What's the real definition of tired?

Going into adult hood, I've gotten real tired almost all the time. To the point where I'm not motivated to play games, I'm not motivated to do other hobbies or other habits to improvement myself. I just want to go to sleep as early as possible and even then, the sleep is never enough. But recently, I've really stumbled upon this question? Am I really tired? Do I have the right to say I'm tired? Because all I have now is a long shift from 9am to 10pm. But then,I still have time to scroll on reels and YouTube when I get home and most cases still get 6-7 hours of sleep. Then I realized at the age of 23, I do not have anything at all. I live with my parents. Do not own a car, and live from paycheck to paycheck. Despite working in incredibly long shifts. There are people about my age starting businesses, doing successful trading or sales, bought their first car and got a girlfriend. Yet I've achieve nothing but complaining about being tired. Seriously I've come to ask this question: Am I really tired? Can I really say I am tireed when I am not doing anything extra to change my life while others are out there building their dream life?

Am I bisexual?

I am a female and I’d say there’s definitely more preference towards males, lately I experimented and had a FFM threesome. This is the only in person girl on girl experience I’ve got (both us girls wanted to experiment so it was mainly about that but the guy did join in too). There was definitely a “first experience” which I’ve not been able to do with just a guy. I really enjoyed it and I’d certainly do it again either alone with a girl or with another guy. I remember even when I was young I’d fantasise about other girls, but there has always been a preference towards guys, though I am attracted and sexually attracted to girls as well. I guess I’m just a bit confused on my sexuality. I don’t know why but it sorta feels like I’m just pretending or faking being bi if that makes sense?

I wish I wasn’t late for 11:11


Gerade ist es February 10, 2025 at 05:16AM

Gerade ist es February 10, 2025 at 05:16AM

Please bro just one cape bro

After watching the Eagle’s front-4 tonight, anyone else tired of the “Niners need to blitz more” narrative?

Melinda Clarke

Help me ID this rock I found

Found in Ohio, just liked the colors, has some small quartz like shine in certain areas! Curious what it could be! Thanks!

Guys, Zina is haram!

Zina is haram! . . . . . . . . . But only for women, thanks for coming to my Ted talk this evening!😌

My first mg, I painted graffiti on it which I was inspired by rage against the machine and Vietnam war helmet graffiti

Compassion always wins

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

En que gastar 500 mil pesos?

Despues de un año de pagar deudas pude cobrar y me sobro esa plata pero luego de tanto tiempo viviendo para comer no se en que gastar .... me gustaria conocer alguien para salir , conocer chicas pero estoy solo y bien oxidado en temas sociales 32 años . Pense en una escort pero por un rato no vale la pena , me siento vacio y triste que se yo

Just won my first tournament, I start this hobby 2 weeks ago

How many here get lasting burning inflammation as a symptom?

My sharp pains are gone for now after cheilectomy with microfracture surgury 2 years ago... but my foot still burns after an hour/ day of walking.

Put me on the schedule doc.

Draw for mono red

I was taking a look at my mono red burn deck and noticed i had a Wheel of Fortune as my only draw card. I found that it wasn't legal so im looking to replace some cards to try and get the deck faster via card draw. I don't currently have a meta around me, and from what ive read recently, burn isn't really competitive right now. Any card draw for red that is reccommended? I can't see myself splashing, and would rather add in some creatures if needed. Thanks.


I don’t know what I have but I’m choking on every shot that I definitely should not be at this point. Can’t stop blowing my nose, “withdrawal” isn’t going away. I’m the same dumbass that broke her ribs on a fish tank. Did I mention I also broke my orbital socket with my eyebrow piercing somehow? That was fun, blackest eye I’ve ever seen. Anyway. What do ya’ll do when you’re sick but you can’t NOT drink? White knuckle it? That’s what I’ve been doing. Not going so well. Does anything make it easier? Anything at all?

I watched the Christchurch video and it destroyed me.

I watched the christchurch video. Not gonna say how I found it, dont even ask. I've always had a bit of a morbid fascination. Naturally this led to me researching these horrible mass killings - its intriguing, frightening, I thought. I'm sure many of you had this experience- the slippery slope of reading about sandy hook, parkland, columbine, etc. I thought I could handle it. In a fucked up way I was excited to watch Tarrant's livestream when I found it. But my god. My god, it was disturbing. The "hello brother", the pewdiepie, the screams as tarrant picked them off one by one, running into the mosque and firing so indescriminately at these innocent people for no reason, no reason at all, the woman he shot outside who kept crying for help like a broken record until he executed her on the street like she was nothing... Tarrant was so cruel, and so banal. He fired his assault rifle into the horde of innocents as they clutched the walls, like they were animals. They fell like broken dolls. And even then he continued to fire into their bodies as they groaned in agony. He killed 44 people at the Al Noor mosque. And there I was, watching on my laptop like it was a tv show. 44 lives - fathers mothers and brothers, cruelly bludgeoned, torn and lacerated by the cruel steel of a pathetic 4chan loser who was so utterly low and loathsome that he convinced himself that these people were at fault for his miserable recluse existence. The cowardice. The cruelty. The utter shame of the fact that Tarrant had made me complicit in his vile bloodlust - since I had sought out this video like so many others - some of whom CHEER FOR HIS CRIME. Truly, I felt ashamed of myself. Of my fascination with these horrible tragedies. The fact that these people lived and worked and prayed, and died horrifically and cruelly and tragically FOR NO REASON. And there I was, watching it all unfold just to fulfill a morbid urge - an animalistic desire to see real bloodshed. I dont desire to proselytize or tell you guys what to do or what is or isn't okay to watch. I'm just sharing my experience. And to tell you the truth I'm ashamed. How can I justify this fascination? I'm not a murderer, and I deplore all of them - but by consuming that horrid piece of media, I felt that the pathetic piece of human scum that is Tarrant had won something on me. In a way, I felt like I gave him what he wanted. Recognition. Attention. Even notoriety. Do any of you have any advice on how to cope with this? How do you all reckon with your mass killer fascination?

Day 86 of drawing every single cookie in order of release

Day 86: Grapefruit. Released June 27, 2018.

"> Day 86: Grapefruit. Released June 27, 2018.

Uber driver drove off with luggage in trunk. Cannot contact driver.

Anyone have this experience? I am unable to contact the driver via the app. The app gave me a phone number to call the driver, but the driver is not picking up the phone. It's been more than 24 hours.

I deserve the finer things in life, and you’re going to buy them for me


RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

Im bored out of my mind and would love someone to talk with both long and short term like literally about anything so come say hi

Heyyy come lets talk U wanna vent? Sure go ahead U wanna confess something? Ill take it to the grave U want someone with non judgemental views im ur guy U want me to give u attention and validation? Id love to I really dont care about ur age, gender,race, sexuality anything come hmu

Why is he so smug, what the hell is he thinking here